Well,since this issue of corona virus increased many people have been indoors or at home. The shipping of personal computers and electronic devices such laptops, desktops and smartphones have increased.
The sales and shipment of personal computers has rised so much with a reasonable amount of percentage, alot of research have been conducted concerning this.
From a clear observation one would notice that it's true because alot of people have stopped going out for work and have no other option that to work from home.
Working at home requires alot especially for content creators and other people who are into online business. Online jobs may require that one should have aleast three or two devices plus other accessories and if any them gets spoilt finding the repairer won't be easy. so , he / she may be forced to get new one to continue the job.
There a other factors which contributed to the rise in PC sales example students who take online lectures, entertainment and online business like we mentioned earlier.
HP Has been ranked to he the highest makers of personal computers, there were said to be the first currently with Lenovo coming second.
The two companies mentioned above have been able to create devices and gadgets that are very useful and more affordable, they make Chromebooks, windows laptops, tablets ( Androids and windows) and smartphones too.
Dell takes the third position while Apple comes fourth.
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