Product reviews has alot to offer and can go a long distance in effecting the sales eand uses of products,companies are extremely sensitive to these issues. In some aspects , they try in getting direct opinions from customers them selves. Reviews may look or sound like they are not important but it can determine how far a product can go in the market an how long people would like use them. Reviews are simply a concise and honest description of a particular product most times it depends on personal opinion and observation but those it really matter? Yes it does.
Good products can be turned down just because of reviews from various persons,product reviews are not bad.its very important part of marketing and usage of products example electronics ,laptops , smartphones and others alike,its very important but it can still be abused. Don't get me wrong ,honest reviews are essential for the sake of the users and the entire public.
Various persons will definitely have different opinions concerning a particular thing buy at the end it all boils down to the state of the product being reviewed
Reviews are highly recommended infact it is seen as an essential part of production . So many companies have gained alot from it ,
It may also be considered as part of research work which is geared towards inproving the quality of the next one to be manufactured
Errors a pointed out in the process which aids the manufacturers in the right step to take in making the next one better the last one.
To to some extent you can't rely on opinion of others in this aspect, many reviewers can have varing opinions concerning one product.
Honestly ,in must there is no perfect smartphone or any electronics ,you just have to compromise.
Before any review is done, the reviewer must try it out to see what excatly are the features and how well its performance so as to write an honest review. It is to be taken serious because what ever is said or written can go along way in determining how far the product will go in the market.
The sole aim of business is to make profit thats why manufacturers are very sensitive to covers the product specifications , users opinion,some paper works ,pros and cons ,possibly some observation after some duration of usage. Some may go further in mentioning what they like and dislike about the gadget or what ever is being described.
With all that said its left for individuals to be carefull in their selections and at the same time seek for proper guidiance.
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